
Quote your Travel assistance here

Cruise / Cruise Trips

Cruise Trips

Sea and Land

Sea and Land

If you go on a cruise, this is your plan. We support you from the moment you leave the country, hop on the plane, go on your cruise trip and return home.



From 5 to 90 days of cruise. We are with you wherever you are. Our age limit is one of the highest in the industry supporting you up to 85 years of age.

No Frontiers, Available Anytime

No Frontiers, Available Anytime

Travel assistance for up to 90 consecutive days of travel, one or multiple cruises. We Assist is global, 24/7/365

Cruise Cruise Trips CRUISE 30 USD / EUR 30,000

from: USD$ 5.15
Product especially designed for cruise trips
Benefits per person
Medical Assistance (Includes Covid) (Per event or diagnosis)
USD / EUR 30,000
Medical assistance in case of preexistent disease
$ 500
Baggage compensation for loss
$ 600
Multi-cause cancelation
$ 1000

Most Popular

Cruise Cruise Trips CRUISE 100 $ 100,000

from: USD$ 11.17
Product especially designed for cruise trips
Benefits per person
Medical Assistance (Includes Covid) (Per event or diagnosis)
$ 100,000
Medical assistance in case of preexistent disease
$ 700
Baggage compensation for loss
$ 800
Multi-cause cancelation
$ 2,000

How do We Assist™ products work?

We Assist™ takes care of you during each trip you take, our omnichannel differentiates us, whether by phone, Skype or WhatsApp, we are for you 24/7/365 - No timetables or borders!


24 hour International Medical Assistance

If during your trip you suffer an injury or illness, what do we do? Where do we go Will the care be of quality? When will it cost me? Will it be the right place?

Whether by whatsapp or a call, we indicate the best health center, coordinate everything and take care of the expenses.

Concierge Services

In a country you don't know well ? Do you need support coordinating services or finding a place? 

The We Assist™ concierge service is available 24/7/365 to assist our clients in obtaining information about show tickets, travel arrangements, vehicle rentals, theater reservations and any other information that the Beneficiary may need in the main cities of the world.


How many times have we traveled and our luggage does not appear? What do we do?

The main benefit of this assistance is to provide you with a solution no matter what happens. We support you in recovering your luggage, we support you with the costs you incur and we compensate you if the luggage is not recovered.

Interruption and Cancellations

During the trips, unforeseen events usually arise that prevent us from making the trip or forces us to leave it halfway, such as a family loss, a loss in your home or an epidemic.

Our assists maintain cancellation and interruption benefits and we offer Upgrades to further enhance these benefits



In transit or ending your trip and they inform you that the flight has been delayed until the next day. What to do? Who covers the costs of the hotel, meals and transportation until then?

We Assist™ helps you coordinate the new procedures first and recognizes your expenses up to the maximum of contracted assistance.

Amateur Sports


During your trip did you feel like doing a different activity? A sport for the first time?


We Assist™ supports you as long as it is not a professional sport. Equestrian, snow, water sports, recreational diving, among others ...

Do more with We Assist™

We Assist ® es la marca registrada de los planes de asistencia comercializados por We Assist Corp. (RUC: 155256278-2-2017) y sus subsidiarias, incluyendo We Assist Inc. We Assist Corp. mantiene su sede en Tower Financial Center, Piso 17, Calle 50, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá. We Assist Corp. es una empresa registrada en la República de Panamá especializada en la comercialización e implementación de productos de asistencia global para individuos y grupos de empleados. Los planes de asistencia en viaje de We Assist Corp. están suscritos por Bannerman Rendell Limited, respaldado al 100% por Lloyds of London (Registro #G400103), para brindar un servicio excepcional en todo el mundo. La información en este sitio web se proporciona únicamente con fines informativos y no incluye todos los términos, condiciones y exclusiones de los planes de asistencia que usted está adquiriendo. Es posible que algunos de los planes o beneficios no estén disponibles en su lugar de residencia. Si usted adquiere uno de nuestros productos se está automáticamente suscribiendo a los términos y condiciones que rigen los beneficios de We Assist ®.

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